Exam Master Online® – Our Advanced Self-Study, Self-Testing System
Contact Us4th generation testing platform that has everything your students need to succeed.

High Quality Question Banks
We develop and publish our own questions with detailed explanations.

Powerful Exam Generator
Students have the ability to precisely choose what they want to test or study.

Diagnostic Feedback
Students can accurately identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Million Practice Exams Created
Thousand Users Served
How we support medical libraries and their users.

Simple Licensing & Flexible Pricing
Our tiered pricing plans are easy on your budget and with Exam Master, you pick and choose the resources you actually want!

Special Admin Tools for Librarians
We provide you with the tools to access user statistics and manage users when desired.

User Feedback System
Uncommon with other resources, Exam Master Online features a user feedback system to allow users to connect with us.
Try it for 30 days... Free.
We immediately create a portal for your institution.
Our succinct videos, quick guides and registration materials make it easy for students, residents and faculty to get going.
We provide usage statistics and available student feedback at the end of the trial.