High-Yield, Realistic Preparation for Licensure, Certification and Board Examinations

25 years’ experience helping aspiring health professionals achieve their goals.

“If you can do Exam Master, you can do the boards!”

Now available for institutional subscription, Exam Master’s simulated licensure, certification and board practice exams will help your students or residents identify their knowledge gaps, build confidence, and be prepared to master their high-stakes exam.

Pharmacy Pre-Matriculation Single-page Flier

Physician Assistant

Since 2005, Exam Master has been helping aspiring physician assistants prepare for the PANCE. We have perfected the art of item selection, and we curate our PANCE practice exams to resemble the actual PANCE as much as possible.

Our PANCE practice exams can be assigned to your students as:

  • a formative assessment
  • a diagnostic tool
  • a supplemental end-or-course exam

Some users think our PANCE questions are too difficult, but what we like to say is, “If you can do Exam Master, you can do the PANCE!”


We have been supporting graduating and practicing pharmacists for years both for the NAPLEX and the MPJE. We have perfected the art of test item development. We curate our NAPLEX and MPJE practice exams to closely resemble in structure and content the actual exams upon which they are based.

Our NAPLEX and MPJE practice exams can be assigned to your students as:

  • a formative assessment
  • a diagnostic tool
  • a supplemental end-or-course exam

New for 2022 are our selected MPJE compendium resources available for selected states. The most comprehensive MPJE preparation available anywhere.

Pharmacy Pre-Matriculation Single-page Flier
Pharmacy Pre-Matriculation Single-page Flier

Family Medicine

Exam Master has been supporting aspiring family physicians for over twenty years through the development of our popular ABFM practice board exams and comprehensive question bank.

We are experts at creating simulated medical specialty board exams that are accurate, thorough, and always based on the current test plan. These resources, including simulated exams and question banks, can be used:

  • for guided self-study
  • for formative assessments
  • as a diagnostic tool for use by your residents just before taking the actual ABFM exam

Internal Medicine

Exam Master has been supporting aspiring Internists for over twenty years through the development of our popular ABIM practice board exams and comprehensive question bank. Exam Master has been supporting post-graduate medical education for many years.

We are experts at creating simulated medical specialty board exams that are accurate, thorough, and always based on the current test plan. These resources, including simulated exams and question banks, can be used:

  • for guided self-study
  • for formative assessments
  • as a diagnostic tool for use by your residents just before taking the actual ABFM exam.
Pharmacy Pre-Matriculation Single-page Flier

Contact us about any of these programs.

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