Interprofessional Education Hot Topic at Conferences

We’ve heard also from some folks that too often health sciences program may not devote much attention to IPE, in part because their curricula are packed, and it is expected that students develop familiarity with IPE in the course of their clinical and community-based training. But, programs are generally required, and more now than ever, to make IPE a formal, structured or formalized component of their curriculum, and to show that students are receiving adequate exposure to and development of, competencies in IPE.
Some academic health centers and health sciences colleges are taking a more global approach to IPE, including setting up departments, programs and centers specifically devoted to IPE, and by utilizing cross-discipline training within and among the health sciences programs at their institution. For example, Creighton University has established its own Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER) as a hub for interprofessional education. CIPER is part of the Nexus Innovations Network supported by the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. The University of Michigan has its own Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education.
Because we serve a variety of health sciences programs, we are looking for ideas and suggestions on how your program or institution is addressing this important component of educating the health professionals of tomorrow to work effectively as part of a health care team. For more information on CIPER click here. For more information on the University of Michigan’s Center for Interprofessional Education click here.