Custom Education and Training Solutions for Graduate Health Professions

Preparing the health professionals, providers, and clinicians of tomorrow is among the most demanding of educational challenges.  Exam Master provides support throughout the entire educational life cycle from admissions to didactic and clinical support to board, licensure, or certification exam preparation.

Learn how we can help support your program in these areas:

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Physician Assistant Programs

Physician Assistant educators have counted on Exam Master for many years to support the education and training in one of the fastest-growing health professions.

Busy PA educators, often dividing their time between teaching and practice, rely on Exam Master to help with:

In partnership with Emory University, we have a comprehensive body system review to help prepare your advanced students for the PANCE and beyond.

Click here to view additional resources for physician assistant programs.

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Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy

Exam Master has been supporting numerous schools and colleges of pharmacy for years. From pressures with filling entrance slots, to making sure your new students are ready to learn, to preparing them for their APPEs and beyond – we understand the challenges you as pharmacy school educators face.

We work closely with our pharmacy clients to support students throughout the entire curriculum with:

Ultimately, our goal is to help pharmacy schools graduate their students on time and better prepare them for the demanding NAPLEX.

Click here for a complete listing of our pharmacy resources.

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Medical Schools

The one constant we see in medicine is change. Whether that change is in the form of continual reworking of all or parts of the curriculum, the adoption of new educational methods, or simply the never-ending change in medical content, it presents tremendous challenges for allopathic and osteopathic medical schools.

We can help at all phases of the curriculum:

Learn more about how we get involved supporting medical schools with their challenges here.

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Medical Libraries

Exam Master owes a debt of gratitude to all of the medical libraries we have been privileged to serve. From small hospital-based libraries to VA health center libraries to Academic Health Center libraries, we have learned much and appreciate all the good friendships and working relationships we’ve built over the years.

Our specialty is to provide medical libraries with high-quality resources under flexible licensing arrangements to help them better serve their constituents.

Here is a sample of the kinds of resources we provide for various health professions education and training including Physician Assistant and Pharmacy.

Learn about our new exam creation tool for all end-users here.

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Residency Programs

Post-graduate medical education is where our physicians strengthen their competence and build confidence to be independent practitioners. The challenges for educators are varied, including ensuring that all residents get an equivalent educational experience, and ensuring that clinical competence is adequately and objectively measured.

We can help.

We provide board preparation resources for both individual use and program use in:

How does inter-professional education fit in with your curriculum? Check out our blog for what we’ve been hearing on this important topic.

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Dental Schools

Like other graduate health professions, dental school is challenging and also unique.  Not only must dental students acquire vast amounts of knowledge in four years, they also need to develop very specific hand skills and, by graduation, dental students need to be competent in over 60 procedures.

Exam Master has been working with and supporting dental schools for years and our most recent solutions include the following:

Dental schools also have an important objective to accurately assess dental student competency across all knowledge and application domains. Academic Manager, our online testing system can deliver rich item types, including multiple response, for deeper assessments.

Get a copy of our white paper on the use of OSCEs in dental medicine here.

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Physical/Occupational Therapy

For the last several years Exam Master has been applying our expertise learned working with other health professions to help Physical and Occupational therapy programs in three important ways:

  • Academic Readiness – identifying prerequisite knowledge gaps in undergraduates before classes begin
  • Pre-Matriculation Refresher – correcting knowledge gaps in graduate-level students before classes begin
  • Student Success Program – designed to give new advanced health professions students the tools they need to succeed throughout the curriculum

Among other things we can help you identify at-risk students so that they can be given the support they need early in the curriculum.

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Advanced Practice Nursing

We applied much of the experience we have gained working with medical schools, pharmacy schools, and PA programs to support the preparation of advanced practice nurses for demanding careers. Resources include:

  • Readiness assessment – for incoming students for whom it may have been years since they took their last biomedical science course.
  • Academic Manager – our testing platform delivering an extensive set of challenging clinical-based test questions with explanations that can be used for self-study and formative assessments.

In partnership with Emory University, we also provide APRN programs with an online body systems clinical review that is both thorough and comprehensive. It is the perfect segue to your students preparing for their nursing certification examination.

Find out more about our Clinical Systems-Based Review for your advanced students.

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Undergraduate Nursing

Exam Master has been supporting PN and RN nursing programs for years. We understand that the one size fits all approach definitely does not fit solving the challenges of preparing tomorrow’s nurses.

We help programs by:

  • better assessing incoming student readiness
  • providing special assessment for many nursing courses
  • offering resources to help with PN and RN licensure and certification

Check out our complete listing of resources for undergraduate nursing courses.

Read our white paper on ADN nursing programs: Five Strategies to Help Improve Graduation and Retention Rates.

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Teaching Hospitals

Teaching hospitals serve a complex mission of providing a supportive and collaborative environment for the training of the clinical professionals of tomorrow while ensuring the provision of safe and effective patient care.

We have worked with teaching hospitals for years, directly with residency programs, and also with hospital-based medical libraries. We also serve the VA healthcare system supporting active and in-training physician assistants.

For more information on our involvement supporting health sciences and health professions education and training please check out our blog.

Learn more about how we can help support your program

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