Exam Master’s Undergraduate Nursing Readiness Program

How will Exam Master’s Undergraduate Nursing Readiness Program Help Your Nursing School?
Exam Master’s Undergraduate Nursing Readiness Program provides nursing educators with private and secure prerequisite benchmark exams in the common subjects required of most nursing programs. These benchmark exams cover the foundational nursing prerequisite subjects which are a struggle for many students, and with a focus on math and science subjects.
Students who struggle with mastering foundational prerequisite subject matter have a higher likelihood of falling behind in their nursing courses, have a higher risk of dropping from the nursing program, and are likelier to have lower NCLEX-RN pass rates.
Each prerequisite nursing benchmark subject exam has been structured based upon the topic breakdown of the individual subjects’ learning objectives. All questions are weighted and assigned a Bloom’s Taxonomy cognitive level to ensure proper balance.
“Exam Master’s Nursing Readiness Program Provides Nursing Educators with the Necessary Tools to Identify & Premediate Newly Enrolled Students on Each Students’ Weakness in Their Prerequisite Foundational Course Material.”
Upon completion of each exam, the nursing educator will receive a detailed score report showing each individual student’s strengths and weaknesses in specific topics and categories for each of the foundational nursing prerequisite subjects.
This will enable nursing educators and learning support staff to assign appropriate pre-remediation on the important prerequisite subject material, in time to prevent the individual student from becoming at-risk.
List of Exam Master’s Benchmark Readiness Course Exams for Undergraduate Nursing
- Algebra – 75 Q Exam
- Statistics – 75 Q Exam
- General Chemistry – 75 Q Exam
- Biochemistry – 45 Q Exam
- Organic Chemistry – 48 Q Exam
- Anatomy and Physiology – 100 Q Exam
- Biology – 50 Q Exam
- Sociology – 50 Q Exam
- Psychology – 50 Q Exam
- Nutrition – 52 Q Exam
- Microbiology – 50 Q Exam
Our goal is to provide the nursing program and their students with every possible opportunity to succeed and excel in the nursing curriculum and, ultimately, on their NCLEX-RN exams. These subject exams can be customized to meet the specific needs of the individual nursing program. Assessments are delivered using Exam Master’s Academic Manager testing platform which provides detailed and real-time score reporting.