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Are We a Technology Company or a Content Company?
Do we think of ourselves more as a medical science publisher or a software development company? It is an interesting dichotomy…
Getting ready for the AACP 2017 Annual Meeting
Looking forward to connecting at AACP.
Exam Master’s Undergraduate Nursing Readiness Program
Help increase students’ preparedness & reduce attrition rates by identifying & remediating newly-enrolled students weak in prerequisite subject knowledge.
Using Formative Assessments To Help Students Prepare For Their Boards
Zero in on where students are struggling by using our Benchmark Exams.
Updated Exam Creation Tool Released
One of the defining features of our resources from day one is the ability we provide our learners to create customized assessments for themselves.
Adopting Pre-Clinical OSCE-Type Assessments in Dental Programs
Finally, there is a bridge between multiple choice assessments and qualitative skills assessments conducted in the lab or clinical.